Link: White House Website
- This executive order mandates that for each new federal regulation proposed, at least ten existing regulations must be identified for elimination. The policy aims to significantly reduce the private expenditures required to comply with federal regulations, thereby securing America's economic prosperity and national security, and enhancing the quality of life for each citizen.
- The order's directives have several implications for higher education:
- Research Funding and Compliance: Universities often rely on federal grants that come with regulatory requirements. Reducing regulations could streamline administrative processes but may also lead to uncertainties in compliance standards.
- Educational Programs: Deregulation might affect programs that depend on federal guidelines, such as those related to accreditation, student loans, and campus safety.
- Innovation and Collaboration: Easing regulations could foster innovation by reducing bureaucratic hurdles, potentially enhancing collaborations between academia and industry.
- Legislative Branch: No legal challenges have been reported at this time.
- Executive Branch: The order is currently active and has not expired.
- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has initiated a public notice titled "In re: Delete, Delete, Delete," seeking recommendations for unnecessary regulations to eliminate, aligning with this executive order.
- The administration's broader policy to reduce federal regulation posits that such regulations impose significant costs and complexities on American citizens and businesses, hindering economic growth, innovation, and global competitiveness.
- Institutions should monitor developments and participate in public comment opportunities to ensure that the unique needs of the higher education sector are considered in the deregulation process.